Rental cost :
Package 1 to 7 days : ................................................................................................................................... 2 €
Package 8 days to 1 month : ................................................................................................................................... 3 €
Package 2 months : ................................................................................................................................... 6 €
Package 3 months : ................................................................................................................................... 9 €
Package 4 months : ................................................................................................................................... 12 €
Package 5 months : ................................................................................................................................... 15 €
Package M2 (6 months) : ................................................................................................................................... 15 €
Package M1 (8 months) : ................................................................................................................................... 20 €
Package L3 (10 months) : ................................................................................................................................... 25 €
Annual package (12 months) : .................................................................................................................................... 30 €
You need to provide a deposit check to I2D:
- Of 80€ for bikes of the VEMAC
- Of 150€ for "Cyclo" bikes of the C2A
(It will not be cash if you give back the bike in good condition)
Terms and conditions of the rental of a bike :
You can find terms and conditions of the rental of a bike to VEMAC association in this document:
Important points :
In case of theft you have to warn a member of the association VEMAC by email/message as soon as possible (24h maximum). And to go to the police station and file a complaint in the next 48 hours. If you are not able to give a copy of the depositive complaint, the deposit cheque will be cash.
If you have any trouble with your bike, contact the VEMAC or a responsible. We will fix it for free.
- The subscriber is solely and entirely responsible for the bodily injury or material damage caused by the use of the bicycle during the entire period of possession of the bike
When the rental ends, you have to arrange an appointment with the VEMAC and bring the bike back as soon as possible.
Directions for use of the bike :
Check regularly the good state of the bike (brakes, tyres...)
Use a helmet and a yellow safety vest.
Have working front and back lights.